10 things you will learn touring with Bungle Bungle Guided Tours
Posted: 19th October 2017
Posted in: Touring

The extraordinary Echidna Chasm – Ben Knapinski
- Without the knowledgeable commentary it would be half the adventure.
- Paul Wainwright and his dad Bob were the first non-Indigenous Australians to explore the area. They discovered Kilometre Chasm (officially named Echidna Chasm). They took the Chief Ranger from Parks & Wildlife there to show him.
- The narrow walls of Echidna Chasm soar over 200 metres high.
- There is nothing like returning from a day in the outback to hot running water, a home cooked meal and a comfy bed at a remote lodge in the Kimberley.
- It’s nice and easy touring with professional, experienced and friendly tour operators who are part of a local family-run business. You feel included somehow.
- ‘Rushing’ is a thing of the past, take your time and have a good look around.
- Staying in Purnululu for a night or two gives you time to really enjoy it.
- If you’re short on time, combine a flight and a ground tour, that way you’ll still experience the unique scale of this remarkable country.
- You have to see the enormity of the beehive domes from the ground.
- You can dream about it all you like but the experience is unbelievable.